Saturday, November 24, 2012

What is a Business Case Study

What is a Business Case Study Biography

We did some research to determine if we could make Twaron greener. The question is: can we replace the basic raw materials of our monomers (oil-based) with natural resources in the production process? To answer this question we collaborated with the Valorization of Plant Production group (Wageningen University, the Netherlands) in 2011. This group focuses on research into economically viable and environmentally friendly chemical, biochemical, biological and enzymatic conversion and fermentation processes. The processes are based on vegetable raw materials and they could potentially decrease the production of bulk chemicals, transport fuels and feed that are based on fossilized raw materials. This specific knowledge helps us to research different options to obtain bio-based Twaron.

Green Twaron?
Scientists from Wageningen have conducted a literature study on current options for 'green' production of our monomers. A technical, economic and environmental analysis has been completed for each option. Scale production options and the involvement of suppliers in the process were also considered. With this study, we expect to be able to make a strategic decision about the research needed for green Twaron. This level of collaboration shows that the exchange of knowledge contributes to a common goal: more sustainable materials and processes in the chemical industry. We realize that this goal will not easily be achieved, nor will it be quick to implement on an industrial scale in our aramid business.

Monomers from waste
Collaboration was so successful that in 2012 two new research projects may be launched at the University of Wageningen. The goal is to answer the question whether we can obtain one of our monomers from the flow of waste from animal feed and human food. Wageningen University will also involve the Delft University of Technology and a potential supplier of such raw materials in the research process. Expertise from all disciplines will thereby be combined in this process.
What is a Business Case Study
What is a Business Case Study
What is a Business Case Study
What is a Business Case Study
What is a Business Case Study

What is a Business Case Study
What is a Business Case Study
What is a Business Case Study
What is a Business Case Study
What is a Business Case Study
What is a Business Case Study
What is a Business Case Study

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