Wednesday, November 21, 2012


WebMarketing Biography

I have been active in music promotion and publishing since 1994. Beginning as an experiment, I joined a local musician to create “computer music”, which turned into an industrial band, Ogun’s Will. Since then, I have been involved in numerous bands, and designed album covers for even more. I have been instrumental in organizing more than a few massive underground music events and festivals, including a stage at the Detroit Electronic Music Festival in 2003 and 2004. For the past ten years, I have been running Bottle Imp Productions, a DIY online record label I put together to help new and obscure artists broaden their reach globally utilizing social media and modern age strategies to marketing music in a post-Napster world.

Since 1994, I have created and released music on over a dozen albums under a few different project titles, as can be seen in my Discography.

I also DJ from time to time. I have spun ambient and classical mixes every year at the DAMNED Show in Detroit. I have been regularly spinning the Steampunk event at Disctrict VII, also in Detroit. Samples of the types of music I like to mix can be found on my Mixes page. Feel free to contact me if you’d like to book play music at your event.

I have been coding webpages with basic HTML since Netscape Navigator 1.1. I remember when background colors were a new and exciting feature! Since I have always had personal projects to work on, I kept up with changes over the years, learning CSS, some basic javascript and PhP. I the late 90′s I developed sites for a few professional clients including the Rod Woodson Foundation.

I picked up WordPress sometime during version 1, and have been customizing it as a CMS since then. I now build all of my sites around WordPress, and am developing fully realized custom themes with emphasis placed on making the admin area highly functional for low-tech client personnel.

Copyright Bottle Imp Productions, 2012. © Daniel Tuttle – Music Composer, Photographer, Web Marketing and Design in Eastern Market Detroit is powered by WordPress with design by Bottle Imp Designs.


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