Saturday, November 24, 2012

Advertising Internet

Advertising Internet Biography

Barnouw E. (1975) Tube of Plenty: the Evolution of American Television. Oxford University Press, New York
This book traces the development of television as a dominant factor in American life and as a shaper and reflector of American culture and society. It helps in understanding the influence of television in the 1970s, examining which can help in understanding the creative revolution in advertising in that time. It also explains why television overtook reigns from the radio, its reasons for engagement, time spent in consumption of this medium. Findings of this book are compared with the current internet consumption patterns to understand why advertisers are investing in the internet increasingly and how it is similar to the television advertising.

Casioppo J. T., Petty R.E., & Schumann D. (1983) Central and Peripheral Routes to Advertising Effectiveness: The moderating Role of Involvement. Journal of Consumer Research, 10(2), 135-146.

This paper states that the manipulation of argument quality has a greater impact on attitudes under high than low involvement, but the manipulation of product endorsers has more impact under low than high involvement. These results are consistent with the view that there are two relatively distinct routes to persuasion. This methodology helps in examining the role of creative aspects of advertising on the entire ecosystem. If the manipulation of argument quality has a greater impact on attitudes if the user has high engagement, it means that marketers need to be aware of this variable while engaging in digital channels.

Chang Y., Chang W., Kim C., & Park S. (Aug2011) Random effects model for estimating effectiveness of advertising in online marketplaces. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(8), 9867-9878. Retrieved from  EBESCO, University of Washington
Advertising Internet
Advertising Internet
Advertising Internet
Advertising Internet
Advertising Internet
Advertising Internet
Advertising Internet
Advertising Internet
Advertising Internet
Advertising Internet
Advertising Internet
Advertising Internet

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