Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hotel E-marketing

Hotel E-marketing Biography
Hotel eMarketing and Internet ‘e’volution – Creating an Online Culture at Hotels

Posted by JJ on Thursday, March 20, 2008 · 1 Comment

Are you a hotel eMarketer looking for ways to better communicate, educate and develop the role at your property/ies? This article explores some of the issues surrounding these efforts, complemented by a dose of perspective and a generous helping of best practices, all garnished, hopefully, by your own ideas and experiences. By Jitendra Jain

Finding Meaning: Wikipedia attributes the word ‘evolution’ to the Latin term ‘evolutio’ meaning “unfolding”. While the tech and Internet revolution have anything but “unfolded” upon us (“exploded” would be more appropriate, given the short span of time over which most Internet-related developments have occurred), there is something to be learnt from the nature of these changes.

Impact and Perspective: According to the popular statistics site,, at the end of 2007, we had 1 in 5 people on the planet already connected to the Internet…and this number is growing fast. While 80% of the world waits to jump onto the bandwagon, the 20% who’re already on it are struggling to hold on for dear life. The Internet is to business today what electricity is to industry and good living…without it there would be chaos! That puts a little perspective on just how reliant we’ve become on this relatively new platform…but also how much we stand to gain from it in terms of breaking down communication, transaction and education barriers. And the pace of development and the evolving uses of the Internet have been dizzying to say the least. Marketers…and your average Internet Joe have been forced to constantly re-learn and evolve.

It may be a challenge to stay on top, but the bigger challenge today is to ensure those who are following you can catch up! In the hospitality industry, the rift between tech-savvy users and those who’re just sitting up and taking notice of the Internet revolution is even more pronounced. E-commerce and e-marketing are just starting to make a mark in the industry, much like revenue management did a while ago (revenue management is quite indispensable in hotels these days, despite the slow initial uptake). The level of emphasis and extent of experimentation varies greatly by hotel group and location, but the growing importance, both for generating revenues, lower costs and online visibility, is indisputable.

So the future of e-commerce in the hospitality industry is guaranteed to be a bright one. And the savvy hotel emarketer has a lot to gain, including room to grow, experiment and “wow” (from SEO to SEM, blogging to social networking, there’s plenty to keep the eager hotel eMarketer busy experimenting). But what about those in the industry just climbing on-board, especially employees in hotel operations and those struggling to make sense of the opportunities and challenges presented by the Internet? What can hotel eMarketers do to ensure interest and support at hotels? How do you create a culture of understanding and mutual growth?

The answer is simple…create interest, excitement and buy-in at your hotels. The path to achieving these lofty goals, however, isn’t quite so simple. Let’s explore some of the issues and opportunities:

Read the entire article at:

Videos: How has the Internet changed our lives – visit

Hotel eMarketing - Jitendra JainAbout the Author: At work, Jitendra Jain (JJ) is employed with Starwood Hotels & Resorts in Dubai as an E-Commerce Manager and handles hotel online marketing & distribution. At play, he is the founder of various online initiatives and free platforms like, (among others) that aim to connect, educate and shine the limelight on the true stars of the industry – the people that run it!

Hotel eMarketing and Internet ‘e’volution – Creating an Online Culture at Hotels

Posted by JJ on Thursday, March 20, 2008 · 1 Comment

Are you a hotel eMarketer looking for ways to better communicate, educate and develop the role at your property/ies? This article explores some of the issues surrounding these efforts, complemented by a dose of perspective and a generous helping of best practices, all garnished, hopefully, by your own ideas and experiences. By Jitendra Jain

Finding Meaning: Wikipedia attributes the word ‘evolution’ to the Latin term ‘evolutio’ meaning “unfolding”. While the tech and Internet revolution have anything but “unfolded” upon us (“exploded” would be more appropriate, given the short span of time over which most Internet-related developments have occurred), there is something to be learnt from the nature of these changes.

Impact and Perspective: According to the popular statistics site,, at the end of 2007, we had 1 in 5 people on the planet already connected to the Internet…and this number is growing fast. While 80% of the world waits to jump onto the bandwagon, the 20% who’re already on it are struggling to hold on for dear life. The Internet is to business today what electricity is to industry and good living…without it there would be chaos! That puts a little perspective on just how reliant we’ve become on this relatively new platform…but also how much we stand to gain from it in terms of breaking down communication, transaction and education barriers. And the pace of development and the evolving uses of the Internet have been dizzying to say the least. Marketers…and your average Internet Joe have been forced to constantly re-learn and evolve.

It may be a challenge to stay on top, but the bigger challenge today is to ensure those who are following you can catch up! In the hospitality industry, the rift between tech-savvy users and those who’re just sitting up and taking notice of the Internet revolution is even more pronounced. E-commerce and e-marketing are just starting to make a mark in the industry, much like revenue management did a while ago (revenue management is quite indispensable in hotels these days, despite the slow initial uptake). The level of emphasis and extent of experimentation varies greatly by hotel group and location, but the growing importance, both for generating revenues, lower costs and online visibility, is indisputable.

So the future of e-commerce in the hospitality industry is guaranteed to be a bright one. And the savvy hotel emarketer has a lot to gain, including room to grow, experiment and “wow” (from SEO to SEM, blogging to social networking, there’s plenty to keep the eager hotel eMarketer busy experimenting). But what about those in the industry just climbing on-board, especially employees in hotel operations and those struggling to make sense of the opportunities and challenges presented by the Internet? What can hotel eMarketers do to ensure interest and support at hotels? How do you create a culture of understanding and mutual growth?

The answer is simple…create interest, excitement and buy-in at your hotels. The path to achieving these lofty goals, however, isn’t quite so simple. Let’s explore some of the issues and opportunities:

Read the entire article at:

Videos: How has the Internet changed our lives – visit

Hotel eMarketing - Jitendra JainAbout the Author: At work, Jitendra Jain (JJ) is employed with Starwood Hotels & Resorts in Dubai as an E-Commerce Manager and handles hotel online marketing & distribution. At play, he is the founder of various online initiatives and free platforms like, (among others) that aim to connect, educate and shine the limelight on the true stars of the industry – the people that run it!
Hotel E-marketing
Hotel E-marketing
Hotel E-marketing
Hotel E-marketing
Hotel E-marketing
Hotel E-marketing
Hotel E-marketing
Hotel E-marketing
Hotel E-marketing
Hotel E-marketing
Hotel E-marketing
Hotel E-marketing

Books On Online Marketing

Books On Online Marketing Biography

This is a listing of 44 sites that legally offer free books on Biographies, Autobiographies & Memoirs, for reading (39) and listening (audio) (5).

All of these sites listed have content that is legal for them to distribute.  If you find that any site listed is offering content that can not be legally transferred, please let me know in the comments below.

Also, I would appreciate it if you would post comments about any sites that you like or do not like so that information can be added to the site's listing here.  This would help new users to decide which sites to try.

This list is not comprehensive and if you know of any other sites please post in the comments below or at our forums.

A comprehensive alphabetical listing of free books for reading or listening can be found on these pages:

    612 Places For Free Books Online
    113 Places For Free Audio Books Online

There will be other books on Biographies, Autobiographies & Memoirs, at the sites listed there, but they are not categorized at the sites.

Libraries are also an excellent source for reading and listening materials.  To find out more information on your local library, the links here may help:  Library Information

 There are 21 pages here of different genres and two pages for different formats (Kindle compatible and ePub) here at Gizmo's:  Book Genre Pages


2020k (biographies & Memoirs) Large collection of links to books divided into categories and sub-categories.  Note:  Most of the links here are working, but there are a number that lead to BookRags, which are not free anymore.  Unfortunately, there is no way of telling where the link goes until you click the link.  Since they did fix the issue with links, hopefully they will fix this. Thanks to Marie99 for pointing this out.

Bibliomania (Biographies) 8 biographies and autobiographies available for online viewing.

BookRix 370 free books in the autobiography & biography category.  These are unique works by generally unpublished authors.  Available for free download, some as PDF, some as EPUB.  Be sure to click on the "Free Books" tab.

BooksShouldBeFree is primarily an audio book download location, but it also has links to text versions of the works it has listed.

BookYards (Biography/Memoirs) Over 700 works available for download in pdf.

Classicly has over 300 free ebooks in the autos & bios section.  These are classic works in the public domain.  All are available for free download in PDF and manny are also available in KINDLE.  Thanks to Tyler G for this suggestion.

DailyLit  offers 40 free ebooks in its Biography category.  These are delivered in daily installments and some of the books are ongoing as of now.

DigiLibraries 840 free books in their biography & autobiography category.  Most are available for free reading online as well as free download in PDF, MOBI and EPUB.

eBookDB has over 200 free books in its biographies, novels & memoirs, category.  These are links offsite, so download and viewing options vary.  From my quick look at the listings, not all are biographies, but still a good collection for this genre.

eBooksDirectory has 54 free books in its biographies & memoirs section.  These are links offsite, so download and viewing options vary.

eBooksForAll has 4 free classic books in its letters & memoirs section.  Links are offsite, so download and viewing options vary.

eBooksFree.Com has 3 free books in its memoir & biography section available for free download in PDF (the books listed under "sponsors" are to be paid for)

eBooksFreeNet has 10 free books in its biography section available for free download in PDF.

eBooksInternational has 13 free classics in its biography section available for free download in PDF.

eBookTakeaway has 80 free ebooks in its Autobiography & biography section available for free download (zipped) in HTML, PDF & EPUB.

ePubBooks has 14 free classic novels available in its biography/memoir section.  All are available for download in ePUB.  There are links to other download formats, but some of those are pay sites.

eBookLobby (Biography & Memoirs) 76 books available, some for online viewing some for pdf download

FeedBooks has 25 free books in its PublicDomain(Biography & Autobiography) section and 10 free books in its OriginalWorks(Biography& Autobiography) section available for download in epub.

FreeBook-s  has 20 free ebooks for download in epub, mobi or pdf, in its biography category. (Biography) 64 books available for download in pdf or mobipocket.  Registration is required.  The free membership allows 5 downloads per month.

FreeBookUK has 3 working links for biographies.  Two are for reading online and one is to Gutenberg with several download options.

Globusz (Biographies) 14 books available for online viewing or download

GoogleBookSearch (Biography) 483 books available for online viewing

Gutenberg (Biographies) Large collection available for download in several formats.

HolyBooks has 30 free books in its biographies section available for free download in PDF.  These are all religious or spiritually themed, covering various beliefs.

Kellscraft has 5 free books in its biography section available for free reading online.

ManyBooks (Biography) 1920 ebooks available for download in a variety of formats

MemoWare (Biography) 253 works available for download in varying formats.

MisesInstitue has 29 free books in its biographical section available for free download in PDF and EPUB.

Mobile9 has 30 free books in its free biography & memoir section.  Several of the books listed do not belong in this category, but the remaining majority are interesting selections.

Munsey's (Biography) 740 ebooks available for download in a great variety of formats.

Munsey'sMobile has almost 1000 free classic works in their biography category.  These are all available for free viewing online and are also available for download in PDF, PRC and ePUB.  These appear to be different works than those available on the regular Munsey's site, above.

oBooko  has 10 free books in its biography, autobiography & memoirs category available for download after free registration.

ProjectGutenbergAustralia has a very nice listing of autobiographies available for download in a large number of formats.  Many of these link back to Gutenberg (above), but are listed in alphabetical order of the subject of the biography as opposed to the author.  Some of the entries are not available at Gutenberg.

PublicBookShelf (Biography & Memoirs) 7 unusual books available for online reading.

ServantOfMessiah has 19 free books in its biographies section available for free download in PDF.  These are all Christian themed.

Smashwords has 194 free books in its biography section available for free donwload in a wide variety of formats.

WebBooks has 66 free classic novels available in its biography category.  These are all available to read free online or for download in WEB and WEB database.  Viewing the downloads requires their Web Viewer (free) which is clean as far as I can tell

WikiSource has a good size collection in its biography genre available for free reading online.  These all appear to be from the late 19th century and early 20th century.  Similar works are listed in the Autobiography section.

Biographies/Autobiographies/Memoirs (audio)

BooksShouldBeFree  has a large collection of free audio books in its Biography section.  These are supposed to be available in MP3 and iTunes compatible downloads.  However, I had trouble with Firefox and the iTunes download.  Note: The iTunes download is an itpc address (podcast).  Firefox has issues with this, but it can be opened by a right-click>open in new tab and replacing the itpc with http.  However, the downloads were MP3 segments, so just as well to download the MP3 link as it is in one zip file.
Books On Online Marketing
Books On Online Marketing
Books On Online Marketing
Books On Online Marketing
Books On Online Marketing
Books On Online Marketing
Books On Online Marketing
Books On Online Marketing
Books On Online Marketing
Books On Online Marketing
Books On Online Marketing
Books On Online Marketing

E business Training

E business Training Biography

What's new in Google Analytics? - eBiz byte Seminar Tue 27 November 2012 - Lincoln
Google has been busy updating its Analytics web statistics service introducing some fantastic new features. Updates include real-time reporting, providing the ability to view and analyse live visitor engagement. The new social media and mobile usage statistics provide insightful information on visitor traffic plus the ability to perform conversion rate optimisation tests all from within Analytics.

What's new in Mobile? - eBiz byte Seminar Wed 28 November 2012 - Spalding
The constant advancements in Mobile technology are presenting businesses with some exciting opportunities to engage with their customer base in more effective ways than ever before. This seminar has been developed to bring you fully up to date with developments in Mobile tech and will show you how to get the most out of your mobile devices.

Search Engine Optimisation - advanced user (full-day) training course Thu 29 November 2012 - Nottingham
This one-day training course is designed to provide you with the information to take your SEO activities to the next level and leverage the opportunities offered by today's most popular online marketing techniques. You will be expected to understand and be using SEO activities already, such as keyword research, on-page optimisation and link building. The session will give you new techniques to apply to these activities, along with ways to use other websites to your advantage

What's new in Google Analytics? - eBiz byte Seminar Fri 30 November 2012 - Chesterfield
Google has been busy updating its Analytics web statistics service introducing some fantastic new features. Updates include real-time reporting, providing the ability to view and analyse live visitor engagement. The new social media and mobile usage statistics provide insightful information on visitor traffic plus the ability to perform conversion rate optimisation tests all from within Analytics.

How to set up and use Cloud Computing Services & Applications: 2-day workshop Wed 05 December 2012 - Lincoln
This two-day workshop delivered in partnership with Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce is designed to provide you with all the information and practical advice on how to implement cloud computing services.
E business Training
E business Training
E business Training
E business Training
E business Training
E business Training
E business Training
E business Training
E business Training
E business Training
E business Training
E business Training

How To Marketing Online

How To Marketing Online Biography

Biography of Steven Marwick, the Author

Steven Marwick has been involved in internet marketing for a number of years and is the founder of a successful online marketing agency called Fairly Unique Media which is based in Scotland. He works as a freelance expert to help individuals and businesses to ensure that their websites are found by as many people as possible in the leading search engines like Google. The techniques and secrets of how he does this will be explained later in this e-book. He designs websites for himself and others using Adobe Dreamweaver. 

Steven is very much a new media evangelist and is always looking at innovative ways to encourage the use of new technology. He is excited about the infinite possibilities offered by the internet to all kinds of businesses and is keen to help others to expand and grow in this relatively new sector. He is particularly skilled in explaining complex and technical ideas to people who are new to the field but can also work well with people who have more experience of the World Wide 

Why specifically an art marketing book?

Steven has several friends who are artists and who sell their art online and was inspired by them to write this book so that he could document and share his knowledge of internet marketing with the wider online artist community and provide a guide for those who are just starting out on the road to selling online. There seems to be a real shortage of information available for people who are just starting down the road of selling their art on the internet and this book will hopefully help to address the problem.

The fundamental difficulty many artists have to face is that although they are talented at their art, they are unsure how they should be marketing themselves and perhaps have very little previous experience of marketing. Steven has talked about this with many artists who say things like "I don't feel comfortable promoting myself and my art", "I would prefer to be able to concentrate on painting" and "Marketing is a necessary evil". The internet gives the great advantage of being able to project whatever image you wish to. Even if a person is shy and awkward at selling themselves in real life, doing so online should be relatively painless. The aim of this e-book is to show the reader how to go about marketing themselves in the best possible light.

You can contact Steven with any questions or comments about the e-book by visiting the contact page.

How To Marketing Online
How To Marketing Online
How To Marketing Online
How To Marketing Online
How To Marketing Online
How To Marketing Online
How To Marketing Online
How To Marketing Online
How To Marketing Online
How To Marketing Online
How To Marketing Online
How To Marketing Online

Emarketing Articles

Emarketing Articles Biography

Senior results oriented digital marketing strategist with broad knowledge base that includes: online & social media, search marketing, email and online CRM, online promotions and acquisition, user experience, online conversion, performance based campaigns and the list goes on.
9+ years experience on both the brand and agency side, currently driving the online marketing efforts at Shutterfly as well as my side gig DINKlife. -Well-connected Industry leader in Internet marketing with very diverse background.
Recruiters, please don't contact me unless the position is in the city of SF.
-Here is a recent video I am in from iMedia
-Recent article quote:
-Another new article for eMarketer:
Industry Leadership:
-SFBIG Member 2009-present member 2009-present
-iMedia – Advisory Board Member and blogger 07-current
-DFWIMA – Dallas Fort Worth Interactive Marketing Association, Marketing Board Chair 07-09
-EEC – Email Experience Council Member, Clients Only Roundtable 07-09
-BlueHornet Networks Email Service Provider – Advisory Board Member 08-09
Sr. manager – Online Marketing
Shutterfly - Making the world a better place by helping people share life's joy.
I currently lead the Internet Marketing team on the display side that recently launched the first ever in-house agency model for Shutterfly. I drove the effort from start to finish including the ad serving platform, ad operations team and developing publisher relations. As part of this role, I am responsible for all digital media strategies for Shutterfly, primarily focused around efficient new customer acquisition channels. After almost 6 months of successful operations, all key metrics are stronger YOY.
-Drive all key DR acquisition channels for online media, such as implementing real-time bidding solutions, ad networks and other performance-based media.
-Responsible for all online brand campaigns including blogger relations, rich media, video, social gaming and other innovative ad platform tests.
-Lead Facebook, Twitter and social ad plans, testing and plans to scale.
Emarketing Articles 
Emarketing Articles 
Emarketing Articles 
Emarketing Articles 
Emarketing Articles 
Emarketing Articles 
Emarketing Articles 
Emarketing Articles 
Emarketing Articles 
Emarketing Articles 
Emarketing Articles
Emarketing Articles